Keynote Speakers

ESRI Europe
United Kingdom
Important dates in 2018
January | 17 | Extended deadline for abstract submission |
February | 8 | Notification of acceptance of abstracts |
February | 28 | Deadline for payment of early registration fee |
May | 7 | Extended deadline for final full paper submission! |
June | 18 | The opening of the Conference |
Conference Topics
- Cartography Concepts in BigData Environment
- GIS Technologies and Related Disciplines
- Web Cartography and Digital Atlases
- Map Design and Production
- Cartographic Visualization
- Volunteer Geographic Information
- Virtual Geographic Environment
- 3D Cartographic Modelling
- Cartography and GIS in Education
- GPS Technologies
- Geo-Spatial Analysis and Data Mining
- Contemporary Problems Using Geodetic Coordinate
Systems and Map Projections - Geospatial Data Acquisition by Remote Sensing
Technologies for Cartographic Purposes - GIS for Geology, Natural Sciences and Ecosystems
- Geoinformation for Smart Cities
- Geoinformation and Building Information Modelling (BIM)
- Geospatial 4.0 Concept
- UAV Applications and New Trends
Seminar on
Early Warning & Disaster Management Topics
- European, Asian and World Concepts for Crisis Management (CM) and Early Warning (EW)
- Visualization of Geodata and Geoinformation in CM and EW
- User Needs and Context Mapping
- From Discovery to Full Interoperability in CM and EW
- SDI and CM: INSPIRE Influence
- “Speaking the Same Language – Semantic Aspects of CM”
- Sensor Mapping for EW and CM
- Data Loss Collection and Registration
- 3D Laser Scanning in EW and CM
International Society for Digital Earth
- Special Session Digital Earth for Smart Solutions
Free Training Course
RUS: Exploiting Copernicus satellite data within a cloud computing environment for GIS and cartographic applications
During this demonstration, you will get familiar with the RUS environment and will be informed on how to request a RUS Virtual Machine for Earth Observation projects and activities exploiting the Copernicus Sentinel data. During the showcase, you will learn about the Sentinel missions and how to download and process Sentinel data for applications such as DEM generation. Examples on how to integrate Earth Observation data in a GIS environment will be shown as well.
The session will be held on 21 June 2018 (afternoon) during the 7th International Conference on Cartography & GIS.
Registration is closed! The limit is reached.
ICA Commissions Annual Meetings
- Commission on Cartography and Children, Chair: Carla Cristina Reinaldo Gimenes de Sena
- Commission on Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management, Chair: Milan Konecny
- Commission on Map Projections, Chair: Miljenko Lapaine
A special exhibition of maps, cartographic products, GIS, hardware and software will be hosted during the Conference.
The official language of the Conference is English.
Impact factor of 7ICC&GIS
After review process, all approved papers will be published in e-Proceedings entitled “7th Conference on Cartography and GIS” with ©Publisher: Bulgarian Cartographic Association and ISSN: 1314-0604.
The Proceedings will be sent for indexation in ISI Web of Science and add to database of ResearchGate.
6th ICC&GIS is indexed in ISI Web of Science, IDS Number: BF9OJ; and added to ResearchGate.
Special Conference Awards 2018
A Best Paper Award of 500 Swiss Francs is sponsored by REMOTE SENSING (ISSN 2072-4292, IF 3.244)
Young Scientist Award – the best paper presented by a student (under 35)
2 best papers from Special Session Digital Earth for Smart Solutions will be recommended for IJDE (International Journal of Digital Earth IF2.69) for peer-review procedure.